Lately I've been taking a whole lot of pictures for work. We are currently changing all of our product shots from lay-down images to lifestyle shots. With the amount of clothing we have in our warehouse and the number of different styles we have, that calls for a lot of pictures.
So, I've been spending a lot of time way from my desk taking pictures of hats, scarves, jackets and the likes. I like it because I get to be outside, and not at my desk. I like it because it's different and rewarding, and it will look great on my résumé. But it is a little bit odd that I'm the one who is taking the pictures. Granted, I can take some pretty good pictures. But I don't remember anything I've learned in my grade 12 photography class. We have this fancy camera at work and I don't know how to use it to its fullest... I can't play with exposure or anything. I feel like a fraud!
With some issues in the conversion of the image from the camera to the computer, I was reminded why my rate is not $1500 a day. Well, whatever. The pictures are for the website, not a 6"x6" poster.
On the other hand, I was told that I was a Photoshop wizz and well, that's pressure!
Here are some pictures that I took in Stanley Park during and after the photo shoot I did with David. I was really having fun taking pictures of birds and plants in the park... David wanted to go home (poor him) and I wanted to take some more! I'd be happy if I could do that all day.

This duck was sitting beside me the entire time we were taking pictures there. It looked at me funny a couple times, but it was set on staying right there.

Then, this duck was completely different. We had to creep in on him to take this shot. It obviously liked his space! But what a pretty duck!

There's tons of Herons in Stanley Park and this is by far my best shot of one.

These plants grow like weed and become giants. I'm not sured what they're called but they're pretty great!

Dogwood is a wonderful tree. If I had a house with a yard, I'd grow some for sure.

So the photo shoot was supposed to last an hour or so. Of course, I got carried away... so we got to see the sunset. This is why David will not be part of any future work-related shoots. I'm sorry babe!