Thursday, May 19, 2005


That's what David told me that I was this morning, for taking my bike to work regardless or the rain. He seemed very proud of me, not because I was being active, but rather because he saw a glimmer of hope that I may get addicted to bikes, and love biking as much as he does. Dream on! I'll never go mountain biking with you! But I like being hardcore...

Each time I leave my bike at home and take the bus I regret it. The rain isn't the type of rain that would stop me. Or it just doesn't rain. I get disappointed. I feel like I've wasted money. Buses are warm, crowded, they run sporadically and they take longer. I just want to get on my bike and go!

I realized today that I really enjoy biking. I love looking at the clouds, the mountains, the building, the reflections in the windows, gardens, people's outfits, houses, cats... I'm not like all of the other bikes I bike by everyday. Really, they are powerful, fast, efficient. Getting home, I take my time. I don't pedal fast. I look around. I enjoy the surrounding. I let my neighborhood grow on me, with it's colourful houses and young, artsy families mixed with a strong Chinese population. I like that in the morning, the streets are filled with the smell of incense. I just really like biking. If it was not for biking to work, I would not have noticed any of that. I would not have noticed the homeless shelter under the bridge, decorated with a plant. I would not have noticed the skate park or the kid's soccer practice. I would not have the sky train rushing past buildings. I would have seen nothing.

Maybe David was right to look at me like that. Maybe I have become a little addicted...


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