Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm back!

I've been pretty bad at updating this blog - I have to admit that I was quite focused on our wedding and getting all of those details sorted, along with getting that blog updated. But, the wedding is done, and now, a different kind of planning is getting started - our honeymoon.

As I've explained before, we are planning on making our honeymoon last two years. We want to really take the time to see the world, take it in and enjoy it. Obviously this will require a lot of planning, but on the other hand we also want to try to keep a lot of things open. We don't want to outline our trip too much, or have a schedule. We want to fly West and see where it takes us. I think that this will make for much nicer travels.

We do have some vague ideas as to where we want to go: for example we plan on starting the trip off in Japan and meeting Travis' family somewhere in Africa in September 2011 (one year into our trip). We are also planning to meet friends in Burma, Turkey and India.

With all of this in mind, the blog will become progressively more active until go time - September 2010. The blog does need some maintenance though, and although I am attached to this design (for all of the ours spent on CSS and the history of it), I may be doing some drastic changes. I apologize in advance if things get messy before they get better.

Thank you for hanging in there with me, and can't wait to get the next world tour started!


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