Wednesday, April 02, 2008

heading out!

heading out!, originally uploaded by Magalie L'Abbé.

Tomorrow I leave for the Philippines, where I will be for the next two weeks. Also included in the trip is two nights in Osaka - the flight configuration makes us stay one night each way in Japan. Two countries for the price of one! Who can complain?

Since I spent all of last week learning how to dive, I have been very busy and have just started to plan & organise everything. I mostly have no idea as to where I'll be going or how to get where I'd like to go... it's a bit stressful to be so last minute but also very exciting and liberating. And besside, what else am I supposed to do with all those hours on the plane?

Also exciting on this trip is that I am not going alone, but with my boyfriend. It's our first trip together, and hopefully we don't bud head too often!

But overall, I just can't wait to be somewhere warm, sunny and completely different than here. Caos, here I come!


Blogger the Beeb said...

A safe journey to you and your honey! Have fun in the 'Pines and take some remarkable photos!

Bon voyage!


April 05, 2008 9:02 a.m.  

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