Friday, July 28, 2006


i have been so lazy lately. too lazy to write, too lazy to photograph, to lazy to be productive. there are many things i should be doing and it seems that the only thing that gets done is procastination. i really should vacuum, pick up my laundry, fold my clothes, clean the bathroom, do my dishes. usually i'm always on top of it all and had been quite proud of myself for keeping everything so neat. but this week, i just never got around to any of it. and now, it's starting to nag me. i really should get it done. like tonight.

in my last post i said that i wouldn't complain about the heat. it was of good intentions but then it was just so damn hot. i lost the acclimatization i had acquired while in asia. it was hot. and while hiking, i was really suffering. slight dehydration. slight headache. but at least i was prepared. some people on the trail were wrongly dressed and had no water. insanity.

the weather is cooler now though. the clouds are back today. i hope that they're not here to stay. i'd like to take pictures of the fireworks this saturday and would love for the sky to be clear - it makes for better photos with the sunset in the background. i didn't take pictures of the fireworks on wednesday. i wanted to see the fireworks. if i have a camera in my hands, i'm not looking at anything but the little window and only think/try to get a good shot. by not taking my camera, i forced myself to actually watch - and enjoy.

on the upside, i was productive cooking-wise. i made fantastic huckleberry mini pies.


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