Monday, July 18, 2005

Oh My!

So in 30 minutes exactly I will have 9 days left before departure. 9 days... that's a single didgit number. That means that time is running out, that it's right around the corner, that it's actually going to happen.

I catch myself hoping that nothing bad happens to me to prevent me from going on this trip. I pray that I don't get hit by a car biking to work. Or break my leg hiking. Or anything else that would screw me over... I guess that I'm being paranoid, but knowing my luck...

We had a party Saturday, which was great. Lots of people came over and it was nice to take my mind off things. We had jello shooters and a punch with punch. A big hit. Unfortunately, there's only one picture from the party, which is of me adding lemon to the said punch. Here it is regardless! [Note the great expression!] But what we do have are great videos from our friend Dominic giving his all to a Bon Jovi song... priceless!


On Sunday we took it easy and met up with friends at Kitts beach... it was wonderful! I have a nice little red glow, but the time spent relaxing and taking pictures of the boys throwing around a Frisbee was just great. Here are some of the best shots:


I'm really happy that I took the time away from my insane trip planning to just spend time with friends and take it easy. It really made things better...

until today! I spend the whole day running around at work trying to organise our photoshoot on Wednesday. Who will wear what. What's this person's size. What shirt matches with camel fabric. What we will eat. Where we will go. etc... so tomorrow I'll be doing more back and forth, along with some meetings with our design team and finishing everything up for my last full day alone at my desk.

After that, it's all training.

And then packing.

And then plane.


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